Yesterday a mother visited my clinic with her child. The mother admired if I have a medicine to improve her child's memory that he perform well in board exams. I observed fear on child’s face and his persistently moving legs . While inquiring I found that the mother had threatened him of dire consequences if he did not score at least 90 % in each subject. The mother was so much obsessed with the marks that made this child under tremendous pressure. Out of utter nervousness he was suffering not just mentally but physically as well. The child had examination fear , a fear of failure, fear of getting low marks, fear of not fulfilling parent’s expectations. I don't know whether you can connect this case with a movie or not. But this case has remind me a famous movie, 3 idiots where an engineering student Raju Rastogi aka Sharman Joshi tried to commit suicide by jumping from his principal’s room owing to fear of failure. Examination fear is a very common p...