Oh my gosh! My daughter has a creepy growth on face, she will face problem in getting married, what should I do? Dermatologist advised surgery. is it safe to have surgery at this early age? Don’t they have any alternative to surgery I am feeling helpless. Let me talk to my neighbor may be she can advice me a better doctor. I am surprised by neighbour advice, how can such a small white pills of homeopathy can help my child, no ways. But………..(baffled). Let’s give a try to nearby homeopath doctor, after all homeopathy has no side effects. This case had visited me 12 years back. I gave her one dose of the indicating homeopathic medicine, a day after next day she visited me with her child with a broad smile on her face, the creepy growth (wart) shed without leaving a mark. This case had not just perplexed the patient’s mother, but I was baffled too that a surgical case like this cured with single dose that is considered to be placebo. Can a placebo treat a surgical...
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