In today’s world when man has made its life easy with the help of gadgets and tools, he has also invited lifestyle diseases and diabetes mellitus is one of them. Ironically meaning of the word “Diabainein mellitus” for this bitter malady is “flowing off sweet as honey” where patient has high blood sugar resulting in frequent urination, increased thirst and hunger and later on complications like blindness, kidney failure, loss of limb etc, and increase risk of cardiovascular disease. Though precise etiology of diabetes II is uncertain, but there are substantial literature referring to sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and obesity as a major risk factor in the development of this silent epidemic. Various gene studies have also distinguished one more type of diabetes i.e. type – I. According to “global report on diabetes - 2016” of World Health Organization diabetes has risen dramatically during the last decades predominantly in middle and lower income countries attributed to diabetes type-II.

This lifelong challenging condition has become a major public health issue that needs to be explored for its effective cure and complications rose thereof, whether medical, economical or personal. Years back when not much was done in modern medicine the extensive work of Dr.Pierre Jousset with pancreatic juice gave homeopathic cure for this exploding disease. Since then homeopathic world is benefiting the society with its various effective medicines. So why homeopathy for diabetic care? Because homeopathy has not only restraint itself to the disease care, it has also offered the diabetic world in combating it’s complications like neuropathy, diabetic foot ulcer etc.

Certainly, homeopathy is one uprising system of medicine which can be looked forward for its optimal solution as it is safe and risk of serious side effects is comparably nil since it is coherent to natural system of body. For this deteriorating ailment, there is a dire need of a mode of treatment which can strengthen the immune-system with genuine care. And homeopathy is the only system which understand the body and give the body opportunity to know and to get itself heal gently. It treats each person as unique individual with aim of stimulating its own internal power thereby improves the overall health of its beneficiary. Further, due to its interpersonal and interactive approach and access to the mind-set of beneficiary during thorough case taking, its beneficiary is alerted and motivated for healthy life style, absence of which is the leading cause of the disease.  Observation of Dr. Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy is also worthy to mention here, A Case Well Taken is a Case Half Cured.

Last but not the least, homeopathy is blessing to lower and middle income world where most of their population live below poverty line since it is cost effective among all systems of medicine.

In this scenario homeopathy has ample prospects to end this sweet curse. The listed medicines have been found effective by many patients and doctors in the treatment of diabetes and its complications and had established a great reputation among other systems of medicine. 

NOTE: Before taking any of the medicines doctor’s consultation is mandatory.

If you or someone you know is suffering with this curse, seek help. Talk to expert at KK’s Homeopathy & Wellness Center 

email: (homeopathywellnesscenter@gmail.com)


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