This weather is a tempting environment for many diseases like chicken pox, hay fever, asthma, typhoid etc. etc. And measles is one these opportunistic unwanted guests which keep an eye on your home (body) to hold you in its embrace but sadly won’t love you. Yes, this creepy undesired disease can leach your immunity to the extent that you feel helpless to kick it off your home (body). Not only it will target your drawing hall (skin) but if not removed from the home (body) on time, it can enter your bedroom (brain) and can harm you badly and leave you with many scars (complications). 

Courtesy: Internet

So today I will tell you how, why and when it attacks you and how to prevent yourself from its complications. And yes what homeopathy can offer you in this disease.

Measles is a highly infectious acute viral (paramyxovirus family) disease found to be common among children; however it can catch adults as well who are immuno-compromised or never had previous confront. Initially the disease may be unnoticed because of common symptoms which are observed in any viral infection. And if not managed on time it can be fatal. With advancement of technology and rigorous efforts of scientists, this deadly disease has been conquered by vaccination. But unfortunately measles is still one of the leading causes of death among young children that toll around approximately 89 780 lives in 2016, under the age of 5.

The infection is normally passed through air and by direct contact. The virus infects the respiratory tract primarily, and then spreads throughout the body. Once infected with the virus individual gains immunity for the rest of life. And it is very unlikely to contract measles second time, condition immunity is too low to fight the virus.

What are symptoms?

Signs and symptoms of measles appear in 10 to 14 days after contact with the virus. Some vague symptoms which are found in all viral infections mentioned below may misdiagnose the case if attention is not given to the other peculiar symptoms of the disease.

The vague symptoms may be;
  • Rise of temperature/fever, up to 40.6 degrees centigrade. It can last several days, and may fall and then rise again when the rash* appears.
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose, sneezing
  • Painful, itchy, watery eyes (conjunctivitis) swollen eyelids
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
  • Pain in whole body (myalgia)
But characteristic symptoms of measles typically are:
  • The *reddish-brown flat or raised rashes, that itch intensely, typically starts behind the ears and spreads over the head and neck around 3 to 4 days after initial vague symptoms. After a couple of days, it spreads to the whole body. As the rashes grow, they often join together.
  • Koplik's spots are the spots inside the buccal mucosa (opposite the 1st & 2nd molars) of mouth. These are tiny white spots with bluish-white centers on a red base.

How it spreads?

The virus is spread by;
  1. coughing
  2. sneezing
  3. close personal contact
  4. direct contact with infected nasal or throat secretions.
“ Infection transmitted by an infected person from 4 days prior to the onset of the rash to 4 days after the rash erupts ”

The virus remains active and transmittable in the air or on infected surfaces for up to 2 hours.

Who are at risk?
  • Unvaccinated children
  • Unvaccinated pregnant women
  • non-immune individual (who has not been vaccinated or who did not develop immunity) 

What are complications?

Severe complications of the infection are;
  • blindness
  • encephalitis (an infection that causes brain swelling)
  • severe diarrhoea resulting in dehydration
  • ear infections
  • severe respiratory infections such as pneumonia
Women infected while pregnancy are at risk of severe complications and the pregnancy may end in miscarriage or preterm (before nine months time) delivery.

How to prevent complication(s)?

Generally measles death is caused by complications attended the infection. So it can be prevented by simple measures;

  • Maintain hygiene
  • Maintain healthy diet
  • Have plenty of fruits enriched in Vitamin C
  • Have sufficient vitamin A in diet
  • Well-hydrated

What is the treatment?

Measles has no specific treatment in modern medicine.

Simple effective tips for measles:

  1. If your child's temperature is high, keep him cool, but not too cold. Apply normal to slightly cold fomentation.
  2. Keep room dark or dim light to avoid sensitivity of eyes to light. You can keep your eyes cool by placing rose water soaked cotton swabs over eyes.
  3. Gently clean discharge from eyes with warm and moist cloth.
  4. God has given us a blessing of “Neem” or “Indian Lilac” (Azadirachta indica) which can be rubbed smoothly on the skin at itching site. Or one can have bath in “Neem” water.
  5. Avoid scratching rashes intensely, as it will leave permanent mark. Instead rub smoothly with palms. 
  6. For cough give him a teaspoon of honey with lukewarm water.
  7. To avoid dehydration due to fever give your child plenty of water. 
  8. Avoid stressing by heavy physical or mental activity.
  9. Avoid public places like school, playground etc. to shun spread of infection to others.

How homeopathy can help?

Homeopathy doesn’t act on virus but it stimulates immunity of the patient and report rapid recovery without complications.

Table reproduced and modified from the

The contents herein are for informational purposes only to understand health and treatment conditions in a better way. It should not be taken as the substitute of medical diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

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