A mother came to me last evening with the complaint that her child frequently falls sick because he eats only 5 chapattis in a day however his peers eat more than 7 chapattis in a day and that is why they don’t fall sick. I noticed the child was plump, in fact more than his expected weight. It was hard to convince her that chapatti is not the reason.

Like her many mothers’ thinks that chapatti and rice are the ultimate source of health. Generally we all overlook the importance of micronutrients in our life while giving undue value to proteins, carbohydrates and fats. We keep in mind to have enough of protein and carbohydrates during gyming, making dish for our family, partying etc., even while buying an item at store we look for its major micronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats). But give either less or no value to the micronutrients. We always have conflict views about micronutrients. That how such a small nutrient can affect us largely?

A case of micronutrient deficiency may have full stomach but his body’s appetite for micronutrients is not quenched. Resulting in hidden deficiencies because the signs and symptoms develop gradually over time and hence it is referred as ‘hidden hunger. Since it remains unnoticed its devastating impact is generally observed when huge loss has been done. As a result millions of children become vulnerable to stunted growth, cognitive delays, weakened immunity and many more diseases.

Your health is at risk if your body doesn’t get enough micronutrients.

Micronutrients are the nutrients that are needed by your body in a very small amount but are exceptionally essential for healthy function of the body. “Vitamins” and “Minerals” are termed to be micronutrients. Vitamins are organic compounds that act as medium for various biochemical reactions in your body as well as are very critical for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Further, formation of blood cells and production of hormones, DNA etc is also dependent upon Vitamins. Spectrum of vitamins is vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E. On the other side minerals are inorganic elements that play significant role in ionic balance, hydration, cell activity, bone formation, blood clotting etc. Calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, etc. are some minerals.



Do You Know?

Most vitamins are either inadequately synthesized or not synthesized. Hence person whose intake of vitamins is low may suffer from its deficiency. Malnutrition as well as nutritional repletion can inflict dramatic effect on the body’s reserves.

From above, you must have got a glimpse of importance of Vitamins and Minerals for you. The tables given below brief about sort, source, important functions and medical conditions related to some important Micronutrients:-

Important Function
Medical Condition
Formation of Rhodopsin (cells of eyes) and Glycoproteins
Liver, Fish, Dark Green and Coloured Fruits and Vegetables
Night Blindness, Dryness of Eyes, Bitot Spots (build up of keratin in white of eye), Immune Dysfunction

Toxicity: Seizures (fits), Diplopia (double vision), Vomiting, Bone Pain
B1: Thiamine
Energy Generation, Protein and Carbohydrate Metabolism
Whole Grains, Meat, Nuts
Anoerxia (weight loss), apathy (lack of interest), Wet and Dry Beriberi (feeling of numbness and weakness in the limbs) Opthalmoplegia (paralysis of the muscles of eye.)
B2: Riboflavin
Respiratory Coenzyme and Carbohydrate & Fat Metabolism 
Dairy Product, Legumes, Fish, Egg and Broccoli
Magenta Tongue, Anaemia, Personality Change and Dermatitis
B3: Niacin
Oxidation and Reduction, Steroid and Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Glycolysis
Beans, Egg, Meat and Milk
Skin irritation, diarrhea, dementia (loss of memory), and sores in the mouth

Toxicity: Flushing, Skin Dryness, Itching, Jaundice (yellowness of skin)
B6: Pyridoxine
Metabolism of Amino Acid, Steroid, Vitamins and Glycogen
Legumes, Nuts, Meat and Wheat Bran
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (infection of skin), Stomatitis (mouth ulcer), Generalized Weakness, Personality Change

Toxicity: Sensory Neuropathy
B12: Cyanocobalamine
Methionine Synthase, Cofactor for Enzyme and Methylmalonyl-CoA Synthase
Fish, Egg, Meat and Dairy Products
Anaemia, Demyelination (nerve degeneration)  Forgetfulness and Dementia (loss of memory)
C: Ascorbic Acid
Oxidation and Reduction, Hydrogen Ion Transfer
Citrus Fruits, Green Vegetables, Tomatoes and Potatoes
Scurvy, bleeding in Joints, painful and Bleeding Gums

Toxicity: Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea and Elevation of Blood Levels of Alanine Aminotransferase 
Maintenance of Blood Calcium and Phosphorus Levels
Sun Light, Fish Oils, Diary Products, Egg Yolk and Sardines
Growth Retardation, Rickets (deformed chest bone), Osteomalacia (softening of bones)
Antioxidant, Prostaglandin Synthesis
Sunflower, Wheat Germ, Soyabean and Corn Oils, Meat, Nut
Areflexia (absent reflexes), Skeletal Myopathy (muscular weakness), Pigmented Retinopathy (damage of blood circulation of eyes)
Folic Acid
Amino Acid Metabolism
Fruits and Vegetables
Anaemia, Depression, Atrophic Glossitis (glossy painful tongue)
Source: Current Nutritional Therapy Guidelines in Clinical Practice. A Handbook for Physicians, Dietitians and Nurses, New Delhi DGHS, 2008; 43-48 and Internet.

Important Function
Medical Condition
Keeping Fluids in Normal State, Regulating Function of Muscles and Nerves
Table Salt and dairy products
Muscular Cramps, Weakness, Hypovolemia (low blood volume in body)
Conduction of Electricity in Body, Muscle Contraction
Banana, Muskmelon, Citrus Fruits, Milk and Meat
Weakness, Paraesthesia (tingling or pricking sensation, Arrhythmias (heart beats with an irregular or abnormal rhythm)
Blood Clotting, Skeletal Structure and Function, Cell Signaling, Muscle Contraction and Nerve Function
Milk, Yoghurt, Cheese, Spinach, Peanuts, Dates
Reduced Bone Mass, Osteoporosis (weak brittle bones)
Immune System, Steady Heart Beat, Aid in Production of Energy and Protein
Whole Grains, Leafy and Green Vegetable
Muscle Weakness, Twitching Tremor (unintentional muscle movement), Apathy, Depression
Formation of Bones and Teeth, Aid in use of Carbohydrate and Fat
Milk, Cheese, Yoghurt, Fish, Egg, Meat, Grains
Weakness, Fatigue, Heart Failure, Acidosis
Needed by Cells for converting Food into Energy, Normal Thyroid Function
Seaweeds, Sea Fish, Iodised Salt
Thyroid dysfunction

Production of Red Blood Cells, Part of Haemoglobin
Lean Meat, Eggs, Green Leafy Vegetables, Whole Grains
Anaemia, Fatigue, Premature Labour (delivery pain before time)

Toxicity Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation
Source: Current Nutritional Therapy Guidelines in Clinical Practice. A Handbook for Physicians, Dietitians and Nurses, New Delhi DGHS, 2008; 43-48 and Internet.

There are three main reasons for micronutrient deficiencies.

Poor Nutrient- Diet.  Poor intake of healthy diet is a very common cause for micronutrient deficiencies. Now a day’s healthy diet is replaced by junk food. In these cases though child seems well-fed but is unhealthy inside.

Lack of Diversity in Diet.  Arbitrary liking for specific food and avoidance of other foods may also results in deficient specific nutrient intake. This is common among females who hardly take milk due to disliking or some social reasons. This lack of diversity depletes one or more micronutrient(s) in the body.

Poor Immunity.  When body is already hefting for lack of nutrients, poor health puts further pressure by increasing demand. This limits the innate defense against the disease, resulting in vicious cycle of deficiency.


Diverisfy diet. Make your dish plate more colourful with different food items that are locally available seasonal foods. Packed food won’t provide you extra nutrients than seasonal food.

Supplementation. In some cases when nutrient deficiency has gone far, supplementation is required. Especially in case of pregnant women, folic acid supplementation is required to avoid risk of neuro-developmental (brain) disorders in the newborn. Ask your doctor for supplements.

Fortification. Fortification has been great boon to underdeveloped countries where vitamin A deficiency is very common. Use iodized salt instead of plain salt.

These strategies, together with the prevention and treatment of diseases and, can minimize micronutrient depletion and reduce micronutrient deficiencies among vulnerable groups.

Homeopathy by its virtue of stimulating action on the inner healing power of individual improves the overall health of its beneficiary. Also a good physician always alert and motivate its beneficiary for healthy dietary habits which is its primary cause.

Vitamin A deficiency (Night-blindness)

Lycopodium, Physostigma

Vitamin B 12 deficiency (Pernicious anemia)

Fer. Met, Pic. Acid

Calcium deficiency

Calcarea phos, Phosphorus

Iodine deficiency

Bromium, Iodium

Iron deficiency

Fer. Met., Benzolum
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The contents herein are for informational purposes only to understand health and treatment conditions in a better way. It should not be taken as the substitute of medical diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

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