Haemophilia is a rare inherited condition that affects the capacity of blood to clot. The disease passes on from parents to their children and is more likely to occur in males due to genetic defect.

Normally in healthy individual when there is bleeding from a cut or any injury, blood binding factors (factor VIII or factor IX) clog the blood at the bleeding site and thence prevents huge blood loss. But in a haemophilic patient the blood binding factors is absent, as a result these patients bleed longer than usual.

Haemophilic patient don’t have bleeding problem, but have delayed clotting.

Most distinctive feature of haemophilia is internal bleeding which is common at joints. Owing to entry of blood into the joint spaces patient complains for joint pain, tingling and irritation in joints. They may have bleeding gums, nose and internal bleeding in the form of bruising of skin which is generally ignored by the patient and his family. 

If you and any of your dear ones have haemophilia, get them register at local haemophilia center for advice and support.

LIVING WITH HAEMOPHILIA may be nightmare and cause emotional trauma to you and your family. Detachment from daily routine, recreation activities, travelling etc. may cause you a secluded life. But a haemophilia patient can also enjoy good life to fullest by following simple steps as below:-

·    Never giving up. Having haemophilia doesn’t mean end of life. You have so many things that you can be thankful for.  

·   It’s not a life sentence. Direct yourself in meaningful life and make a great group of life-long friends.

·      Overcome everyday challenges. Choose activities or games with a lower risk of injury that may interest you like painting, singing, chess, ludo, mohjong, computer and guessing games etc.

·     Don’t halt yourself from exercise. Maintain healthy body weight and exercise safely. Strong muscles prevent joint bleeding.

·    Don’t hesitate in lending hand from family or friends. They can help you in risky activity that may cause bleeding.

·    Be handy with numbers. Keep mobile number of your doctor or emergency hospital number handy.

·  Regular check-ups will help to keep blood pressure, and cholesterol under control.

·   Try to wear medic alert bracelet to notify others of your condition in case you are unable to respond.

·   Avoid blood thinning medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen etc.

Although there is no cure for haemophilia, genetically engineered clotting factors are generally infused to control the bleeding.

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is a treatment recommended for bleeding joint. It reduces swelling and pain when used together with clotting factor concentrates.

Seek a doctor if:

  • you are bleeding heavily or persistently.
  • you have severe blow to the head.
  • you have severe pain or swelling in any part of the body.
  • you have any injury to the neck, mouth, tongue, face or eye.
  • you have open wound that requires stitching.

Homoeopathic medicines like Arnica, Crotalus, Hamamelis, Ipecac, Kreosote, Lachesis, Millefolium, Phosphorus, Trillium etc., help the patient by stopping bleeding faster and heal wound. Also it reduces the frequency of bleeding.

Table reproduced and modified from the

The contents herein are for informational purposes only to understand health and treatment conditions in a better way. It should not be taken as the substitute of medical diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 

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